137 (L. caesius, blue sky); Cs; at. mass 136,9070895; at. n° 55; m.p. 28,44°C;
b.p. 671°C; sp. gr. 1,873; half-life 30,07 years; 8,684E1 Ci/gr; β-;
0,514 MeV; range β- in body ~1560 μ.
137 have a physical half-life of 30,07 years, a biological half-life of 70 days
an a effective half-life of 69,56 days. His official inhalation dose factor value is 4,8E-9 Sv/Bq.
physic 7,309E-10, λ biologic 1,146E-7, λ
effective 1,153E-7.)
the rationality of official internal dose factor.
absorbed dose is calculate taking account all the disintegrations that occurs
in 50 years produce by the incorporation of a matter mass which initially emitted
1 Bq. Taking account of the effective "biological half-life" the incorporation of 1 Bq of cesium 137 conduce after 50 years to suffer
(1 Bq/1,153E-7 λe) * 1-(EXP(50*31536000*-1,153E-7)) =
8,670E6 disintegrations β- and absorb 8,67E6 disintegrations *
0,514 MeV * 1,602E-13 Joule per MeV = 7,140E-7 Joule and 7,14001 Erg which
dissipate, for IRCP, in a body mass of 148,75
kg... ((8,67E6 Emissions * 0,5140 MeV * 1,602E-6 Erg par
MeV * 1 EBR)/(4,800E-9 Sv/Bq * 1 Bq * 100 Erg/gr * 100 Rad/Sv) = 148,75 kg)
with a radius of (148750,2595 cm3/(4/3*3,14159))(1/3) =
32,8693 cm. The particle β-
which penetrate no more than 1560 μ in tissues travel in "rational" calculation 210,7 times far away it can physically go... (328692,43 μ/1560
= 210,7.) In other words the real absorbed dose is reduce 9,35
millions times. (210,703 = 9,35E6 or 1,49E5
gr/1,59E-2 gr = 9,35E6.)
the dose produce by one β- particle with 0,514 MeV energy and
1560 μ
penetration capacity in tissues: (1 Bq * 0,5140 MeV * 1,602E-6 Erg par MeV * 1
EBR)/((4/3 * 3,14159 * (1560 * 0,0001^3)) gr * 100 Erg/gr * 100 Rad/Sv) =
5,18E-9 Sv/Bq or 5,18 nanoSievert per Becquerel. The real committed dose for 1 Bq in
50 years is then (1 Bq/1,15E-7 λe s-1 * (1-Exp(50*365*24*60*60 *
-1,15E-7 λe)))
* 5,18E-9 Sv/Bq) = 0,0449 Sv/Bq or 44,90 milliSievert per Becquerel.
Official internal dose factors are like SS
which name shower a chamber gas.
3 commentaires:
C'est un texte hypnotique ou il faut me traduire là ;-)
Vous trouvez dans ces pages de nombreux textes en français plus développés sur les facteurs de dose qui déconstruisent les calculs officiels (Une simple, mais létale, escroquerie d'un dénominateur. Voir ci-dessous "la parabole de Jojo"). http://aipri.blogspot.it/2013/02/alertez-les-bebes.htmljavascript:void(0)
En italien sur le césium. http://aipri.blogspot.it/2013/03/cesio-137-niente-allarmismi-siete.html
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